(source: matrixfour.com)
The image above is a telling symbol of the state of the English language today. It tells us how technology has circumvented our nerves and brains.
The new English language is more brief than the sentences I type. LMFAO, LOL, OMG, ROFL -- three and four letter words violating all syntax yet making sense to newer beings. When you look at the image above, you are witnessing a force with greater repercussions than a vicious block of wind. You are witnessing the creation of a communicating line. You are seeing the words all will only understand within a few decades.
The computer has replaced the book, and the meme is the monarch that rules over the language-impoverished land. For many, it's easier to remember five letters than fifty-five sentences. They were raised by machines, and thus, their brains act like machines, each technical execution committed five seconds after the prior.
In the end, the acronym is pleasure, but it numbs us in midst of lethality.
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